Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mother, Mother

All generations tend to be a little different due to a myriad of factors-economic, state of the world, technology etc. As a result each generation of parents have varying styles parenting. Well, my mother is pretty much obsessed with the way I look (and the way she looks). I have noticed that a lot of my friends have simlar problems with their mothers.
This came to a head yesterday when my mom and I had an hour arguement because my sister tattled that I was wearing flats to an early dinner instead of heels (the average age at the Oceana restaurant at 6pm was 85 so who exactly was I supposed to be impressing?). Apparently, flat shoes make me look 'dumpy' which means i look like a hot mess which in turn means i am disappointing the family. Okay, that might sound like an overreaction but thats pretty much my mother's way of thinking. She then told me that the real problem wasn't my flat shoes but that i would not admit that i looked 'unattractive' wearing them. Whut?
Let's just say the conversation didn't end well.
It does worry me about our generation as parents-especially with a lot of girls who have weight insecurities. Do these problems get passed down from generation to generation? Sadly, I think they do.

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